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Dismantle and removal of Solar Power Plants due to illegal occupying lands

Dismantle and removal of Solar Power Plants due to illegal occupying lands

(Summary description)The solar power plants constructed by Guanghe, Pingmei and Xintai is forced to dismantle and reinstate the land as they didn’t get legal approval to use the land to construct solar PV plants.

Dismantle and removal of Solar Power Plants due to illegal occupying lands

(Summary description)The solar power plants constructed by Guanghe, Pingmei and Xintai is forced to dismantle and reinstate the land as they didn’t get legal approval to use the land to construct solar PV plants.


The solar power plants constructed by Guanghe, Pingmei and Xintai is forced to dismantle and reinstate the land as they didn’t get legal approval to use the land to construct solar PV plants.

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Time of issue:2021-11-27 13:31:49
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Time of issue:2021-11-27 13:33:17